Da Dee Da Dee Dee 2003-11-17 @ 3:54 p.m.

The Boring

The Stupid

The Fickle

The Bitchy

The Tactless

The Overly Polite

The Immoral (Fucked Up Views)

The Selfish

The Closed (Will Not Let Anybody In)

The Bad Conversationalists (See Boring)

The Cruel

All of my friends fit into at least one of those categories. Tell me if you think that you might be an exception, I'll be amazed, but do tell me if you think I forgot you. I didn't. I didn't forget anybody. I love you (Most of you) but those things bug the fuck out of me.

I know I have my flaws too, but where do I start? I'm lonely. Yeah. I'm lonely. I'm not sitting around dwelling on it, I know how to cope this time around, I'm constantly doing something or talking to someone, but there's nobody I can connect with anymore. Nobody I can spill my heart and soul to. Any old empty vessle would do. Probably why I write in here, except it's just not quite empty enough.

Any volunteers? Anybody who has nothing left inside them but wisdom and a faint sense of empathy?

Very few people are good listeners. Most people like to talk. Most people let their opinions get in the way. Some people just listen without saying anything.

What do I want? There's nothing. There's nothing to aim for, nothing I desire except to catch up with fucking homework. Ooh goody. I can be just like I was in year seven. Spend all my nights focussing all my energies into school work because I was too damn weird and smart and ... boring to make any friends. Yes, weird and boring. An odd combination, but it's true. So school work sheilded my lonliness. No, I don't want to be like that.

I don't look forward to seeing Nathan anymore. I don't look forward to seeing Ryan anymore (On the contrary, I avoid him. I nodded at him today to be polite and he completely ignored me), I don't look forward to seeing Ezra. I don't look forward to seeing anybody else especially either. Everyone says hi. I say hi to everyone. Said hi to Ben today, but I was on my way home, and he was talking.

Oh I know that I'm not really getting anywhere with all of this. Forget I said it. Erase it from your pretty little heads. I'll find something.>