100 things plus rant 2003-11-02 @ 6:48 p.m.

100 things that I love

1. Myself

2. My family and extended / step family

3. My friends

4. Music

5. Books

6. Art

7. Poetry

8. Lyrics

9. Stripey things

10. The colour of blood

11. All colours

12. Breasts

13. Individuality (Both in aesthetics and in personality)

14. Statistics (When I'm the one using them)

15. Arguing / debating

16. The way food tastes when I'm hungry

17. The way pissing feels when I'm desperate

18. Religion (It's so fucking entertaining)

19. The smell of leather

20. The feel of leather

21. The way leather looks

22. Mythology (Particularly Greek)

23. Flowers (Particularly sunflowers and dandelions)

24. Alice in wonderland

25. The name "Icon"

26. The name "Jesse"

27. Learning new things

28. Michael Moore

29. Accents

30. Dancing (You don't have to be good!)

31. Knowing when you've crossed the point of no return

32. Glasses

33. Nail polish

34. Cornwall

35. Clean air

36. Stars

37. Hearing live pub bands (And I'm not ashamed)

38. Being in control

39. Arnold Shwartzniger (Or however it's spelled - he's my new plan for world domination)

40. The way it feels to let something go when it's out of your control

41. Ideas (It helps when they're your own and not some profit making organised religion's)

42. Emotions (Of all kinds)

43. Being trusted

44. Knowing I'm right

45. Irony

46. Being able to trust others

47. The female body

48. Oscar Wilde

49. Donnie Darko

50. Horror films

51. Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel (Again, not ashamed)

52. Embarassing myself

53. Sanitary towels / tampons (They seem like the best things in the world when you ain't got them)

54. Hats of all kinds

55. Subtitles

56. Watching films in other languages and closing my eyes

57. History

58. Politics

59. Adrenaline

60. Marbles

61. Sunsets and sunrises

62. Mint choc chip icecream

63. Kisses (With and without sherbert)

64. Innocence

65. Drawing

66. Writing

67. All animals

68. The smell of coffee

69. Creative torture plans

70. Religious identity crisises (Man do they lead to interesting things...)

71. Churches

72. Anne Rice type vampirism

73. Symbolism / Iconography

74. Smiles

75. Being afraid

76. Morbid humour

77. Diversity!

78. Knowing I'm not going to turn out like my parents

79. Knowing I'm already like them in all the best ways

80. Socks

81. Protests and protesters

82. The way clouds look at night time

83. Sitting in the passenger seat of a car and staring out of the window

84. Thinking

85. Dinosaurs

86. Long hair (On both genders)

87. Suits

88. Realisations that suddenly hit you

89. Camping

90. The curiosity of children

91. Fire

92. Candles

93. Angst (Although it has its moments where I only want to slap those responsible for it)

94. Knowing I'm above something

95. Black underwear

96. Being tickled (In small doses)

97. Dreaming (By both day and by night)

98. Showers

99. Feet

100. Being who I am

Any one of those things alone is worth living for, and I thank whoever the fuck is up there, or if there's nobody, I thank the people who created these things that I have them. I thank... I don't know. But I love them all.

Those were 100 random things and I had another million that I wanted to put on that list. And I gave up on the list of thigns that I hate by the time I got to 59 because I realised that I don't actually hate any of them. I hate them in some ways and not in others.

It's all about perspective and I love mine right now. I had a lot of time to think when I was on holiday and I believe that I have changed for the better. Unfortunately I had to get back to find all my friends have been at eachothers throats. And it makes me angry. And it makes me sad. It makes me want to slap the lot of them and just ask what the hell they're doing? Why don't they just try looking at it from my point of view. They'd realise how stupid they all look. And they do. I love them dearly but they're all behaving like 4 year olds. It's not cool to cut yourselves people!

What it is cool to do is to read Michael Moore's "Stupid white men" if you haven't already read it. Because it's a great book. It had me laughing out loud in several places because I can relate to his futile anger. Passion that can change nothing which only adds to the fury. I know how that feels. But somehow Michael Moore managed to make me appreciate it.

He also made me realise how much I hate the following people:

George W Bush (He revealed even more things about George to make me dislike him)

Bill Clinton (What an asshole. I was under the impression that he was a decent president until I read some of the bills he passed.)

John Ashcroft (If I had a gun and it weren't illegal, I'd shoot the son of a bitch)

Dick Cheny (He voted against: The equal rights amendment, funding the head start program, against a House resoliution calling for South Africa to release Nelson Mandela, against federal funding for abortion EVEN IN CASES OF RAPE, he also used to be CEO of an oil company that had dealings with repressive governments like Burma and Iraq. He then denied it but was later forced to confess.)

Donald Rumsfeld (Merely because he singlehandedly managed to kill the SALT II treaty with the Russian. He also opposes any arms control)

Tommy Thompson (Secretary of health and human services - he has deailings with big tobacco companies. I'm glad I'm not in America and he has nothing to do with MY health.

There are more. But I can't be fucked to write them all down. Basically the American government I've discovered, consists of fascist assholes.

READ THE BOOK! Learn some fucking interesting facts! Pay extra special attention to the chapter "Idiot nation"!>