Ambitious much? 2003-10-19 @ 9:16 p.m.

I think I've gotten prettier since I started going out with Ryan. My whole body, face, everything. Maybe the happiness is good for me. Or maybe it's just the way he makes me feel, and it's only my perseption of myself that has changed.

Tutorial on Tuesday morning. Ryan has the morning off since he dropped business. There's no point in my attending tutorial right? It is pointless... and that's potentially 4 hours in the park. It would be nice. Very very nice.

She's waiting tables the next day // She pulls a double then on her way // To an audition in Hollywood // Yeah, a little misunderstood // Sit around the house waiting for the phone to ring // And I know that she alone // Holds the key to everything I wanna be

Everyone wants to be a part // Everybody loves a situation // Who would ever wanna play the part of anonymous numbers // On a governmental chart?

Fuck, I swear to .. whatever deity is most likely to exist, I won't just be another number.>