kinky!? 2003-11-10 @ 7:12 p.m.

And just when I thought my week couldn't get more interesting...

While I was walking home with Ezra, I ran into Ryan on the way home (again) - and for those of you who may have missed my latest few enteries, this is non-orange Ryan.

We ended up back at my house, again. And then Ezra left. Ryan and I.. well.. he was playing with my sisters, but then I kicked them out of the room. I started hitting Ryan, not for any real reason, to cut a long story short, I decided that I wanted to give him a love bite on his arm where I'd been hitting him. I didn't say that though, I said "I want to bite you" so there was much chasing, giggling, grabbing him by the hair, pinning eachother against the wall, tickling, biting, scratching and .. well.. yeah. He was a wimp though, he wouldn't hurt me back. Chivalrous bastard. It was great. I hope I didn't do him any permanant damage>