blade runner / hatred of god 2003-11-13 @ 6:59 p.m.

I just wrote a huge long entry. But it was boring. It just talked about how I made some new friends and stuff.

I've decided that life's okay as long as you have a sense of humour.

A couple of weeks ago I think it was, I can't remember when, I wrote a quick entry saying how much I love the film blade runner. I think that's because it's one of those films that makes you think. Like fight club, and Donnie Darko, and The Matrix. I love films that challenge you like that. And most films do have that affect on me. I mean hell, the first Harry Potter film had a couple of things that had me thinking for days. Not because Harry Potter is tremendously deep, there were just some comments that I decided to dig a bit deeper into. But Blade Runner - GREAT film.

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.

Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.

I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate.

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain.

Time to die."

With death, everything is lost. Everything that you acheived in life means nothing. You won't remember it, you won't know it. You are gone. There was no point in you being alive. Once you die, all your memories, all your dreams, all your thoughts, all your tastes, your desires, your loves, your beliefs, they are all lost. Forever. You never ever get them back again. It won't matter what you did with your life, because you will die the same as everybody else.

That is why you shouldn't take life too seriously.

Also why you shouldn't believe in God.

Imagine there's no heaven

It's easy if you try

No hell below us

Above us only sky

Imagine all the people

Living for today...

See... people should live for today. Nobody can know if there's a heaven or not, and if there is, what it is you have to do to get in there. Why waste your time practicing a religion, when you only have such a short time to live. Is 80 years really enough? It's not enough for me, I'll tell you that, and I'm not wasting a single second of it getting down on my knees praying to somebdoy who probably doesn't exist because I'm too afriad to embrace the fact that I will die. It's natural to be afriad, but.. why the hell would anybody just decide that to not be afriad they're gonna make up a fairy story? That's cowardly. I don't have much time. And I won't spend a single second of it wasting my time in a church (Apart from to look around, cause churches are pretty) or devote a single joule of energy to something that probably is not real.

Argh! I will never understand! Instead of praying to their imaginary friend why won't people go out of their way to help REAL people!?

I think cause they're too selfish. They're so interested in getting their foot in through those heavenly doors that they forget about anybody else.

In fact, I have a question for those people who are religious:

Do you believe that everybody should have the same chances in life?

If so, how the hell do you think that "God" is justified in giving some poeple such an advantage. I mean someone who comes from a poorer background is more likely to steal and hence "sin" for instance, than somebody from a richer background, and hence those born richer are more likely to get to heaven right? And how about those born in non-Christian countries who are brought up in other religions? Are they going to hell because of where they were born? Becuase they've never even heard of Christ? They gonna go to hell? I'd say that's a little bit...well... racist.

What happened to equal opportunities God? Did you FUCK UP!? Yes, I think you did. I think that you are a worthless piece of shit, should you turn out to be real, and if you're willing to make people suffer for all eternity for not believing in you, then you're an arrogant and sadistic fucker. FUCK GOD. FUCK GOD. FUCK GOD. FUCK GOD.

Religion makes me so ANGRY. Fuck. I'm picking a fight with somebody about this tomorrow, because I have suddenly and inexplicably become FURIOUS. ARGH. Why did an entry about blade runner turn out like this!? I don't know. I shouldn't be angry with God, because I don't believe in him, but fuck man... I'm going insane with somebody tomorrow. The first Christian I come across in fact. In fact, today if possible. If Lizzie or Stephanie come online, they are going to get a fucking earful, and if Lizzie puts on her whole pathetic "Noooooooo, don't challenge me, I shouldn't have to be able to defend what I believe in" act, then I'll just slander her and slander her even further. I am absolutely furious. Fuming. And sadly, somebody is going to pay the price.

Wow, doesn't that make me nice and Godlike? You know, making innocent people pay for the general population's fuckedupness? Like you know, killing off the entire Earth's population apart from one dude and his family? See, I'm thinking that god being a "He" is a little inappropriate, because with actions like that... well I'd have to say it was that time of the month.

Oh and let's not forget what a bad parent God is. He impregnates some poor unmarried woman without any warning (Would have been frowned upon somewhat in those times) and then leaves her to bring up the child herself, without any financial support at all? And the child has to sleep in a fucking manger!? Oh and let's not forget he sent his son down to Earth knowing full well that he would be brutally crucified. Charming guy. Fuck people, how about finding a new God. One that's slightly less sadistic. Oh and maybe slightly less homophobic and sexist too. And a bit less arrogant.

Fuck, God's just like Tamzin if you think about it. I guess that's why most Tool songs which are actually about God remind me of her...Gah... okay, all of that was random. I'm sorry. As I said before I got ranting.

DOn't take life too seriously. Enjoy it while you got it, and if you don't enjoy church / Mosque / Synagouge / School, don't bother going. God (Or your teachers too for that matter) wouldn't want you there.

P.S All slander was intended for the Christian God, as I don't know all that much about other religions, and so they might be slightly more reasonable (Although just as unrealisitic)>