Just another day in the life of Anniekins 2003-11-27 @ 5:54 p.m.

It would be good if we could really stand in eachother's shoes. We're all so convinced that other people have a better deal than us.

I had a great shower today. I feel really clean and refreshed, but I think this little... graze... I have on my arm is looking a bit... manky. Like I should put something on it.

I got it only yesterday actually, I was bored at lunchtime and I was just sitting at lunch time scratching at my arm, I wasn't even really thinking about it. But I sure as hell regretted it afterwards, cause it was painful as fuck.

It looks nasty. I think I'll keep myself distracted by other things at lunch time in future.

Ryan completely ignored me again today. Anything new?

I'm still trying to figure out what I've done. Jesse (And yes I did resort to asking Jesse) has no idea.

I had lunch with Jo, and Steven (That's the guy with long hair) and Ben (The Polish one, ordinary Ben wasn't in)and the super skinny girl, and the guy with the hat, and Alex, and this guy with dreadlocks. I also spoke to the guy with braids again.

I know I know! I'm awful! But hey! I'm gradually learning their names! I got Steven's! Anyhow, Steven is a skater. He always has a skateboard with him, and he's alright on it too. Apparantly all his ex girlfriends are townies who just dug the whole skater thing. He dumped them cause they were too bitchy apparently, but his current girlfriend sounds nice. We were talking about our relationship issues.

Jo and I discussed our scars. She used to work in a kitchen type thing (I can't remember exactly what) but she was always catching her arm on the ovens, and apparently she has masses of scars on it which look like she's been "slashing away" at her arm. Well they did, but she's been using scar fading stuff on it. I didn't have any very interesting stories about my scars. I have a few, but the only one with any kind of story is the staple one, and even that... a bit lame really.

Apparantly she also has lots of stretch marks because she put on weight really quickly when she got depressed. She was 10 stone, then she went up to 14 and a half, and she stayed like that for a while, but then she got depressed again and went down to 11. She's pretty tall though, so I don't think her definition of "Really fat" can be quite seen as accurate. I mean, sure, maybe 14 stone would be a little chubby on her, but really fat - nah.

She's so slim and pretty (I'm amazed that she's 11 stone... it must be her height...) I don't know whether I'm jealous of her or I'm attracted to her.

It's a confusing life.

Probably the former. If I were really attracted to her, I think I'd be aware. But she is hot.

Hm... I'm tired. I need to sleep soon. I look like ... I don't know. I look awful.>