Battles with authority 2003-12-08 @ 3:56 p.m.

I learned two important lessons today.

1. When battling with authority, it is never a good idea to lose the moral highground 'cause that's really the only thing you got going for you.

2. As my step dad explained yesterday, a trait of headteachers is that they are as arrogant and condescending as fuck.

See, today was a normal day to start with. I got up in the morning, didn't want to get out of bed because of the cold, eventually did, got ready for school, picked up some money and my keys and hopped on a bus.

When I reached the college, with some horror I realised that I had left my ID card at home, but when I saw Nathan and Polish Ben walk in together, I saw my chance, I rushed inside to catch them up, past the security guards. Sadly, it didn't work. They told me to get my student ID out. Damn. I pretended to search for it in my pockets, and alas, did not find it.

They told me to go home. Now, walking, my home is an hour away and I hadn't picked up enough money to spend it on a bus. I was furious. We were due to start a new topic in politics and I didn't want to miss it. They refused to get my tutor or anybody else to identify me and prove that I was a student, they refused to check their databases for my student ID number which I remember. I was furious.

I staged a protest. I knew that a large number of other people would have forgotten their IDs, and sure enough, they had. I sat down on the floor, and two or three people followed, although sadly, they all gave up eventually. So there I am, sitting cross legged on the floor of reception, reading a book.

This pissed the security guards off, because I saw sitting right on the spot that caused the automatic doors to open and close, which was driving them crazy. They got somebody to politely ask me to move so that they wouldn't do that. I just thought, "What the hell?" I mean why would I make my point less effective just so the people I'm arguing with can be nice and cozy?

Then they resorted to mocking me. I mean what's the point? I'm just sitting there reading, what the hell is the point? And one security guard, (I particularly hate this guy, he flirts with the students and boasts about how he used to be in the army of a country which I cannot spell and so will not attempt) anyway, he says to me, "Why are you sitting there? You are a female, it is too cold for you"

Now if that's not a chauvenistic, sexist and generally stupid comment, I don't know what is.

Well, I'm particularly outraged, so, I express this in the only form that my milisecond of thinking would allow, the words "Fuck off!" leaped from my mouth. Instantly I regretted it.

He got the head teacher out, basically what she said was "I totally understand where you're coming from. Blah blah blah. If you want we can have a meeting discussing alternative arrangements for if people forget their ID tomorrow. Blah blah blah. Look, you've won, I'm taking your protest into account now piss off home. Blah blah, if you don't piss off home I'm going to get you in trouble for being rude to our staff"

So basically, she kept emphasising the being rude to the chauvenistic pig, so, I realised that she now had something on me that she could actually do something about. Damn. Well, she told me that if I wasn't gone in 15 minutes that she'd make a fuss out of it etc (All I was bloody doing was sitting there!)

I sat back down. I had no intention of leaving, until Ben came out (Gay Ben, as opposed to Polish Ben) and he tried to persuade me to just go home, I don't know quite what provoked it, but I ended up going outside with him and bursting into tears. Apparantly he has the effect on people.

So we sat in Borders and talked, and then we went shopping for a birthday present for his sister, and then I went home and got my ID card so I could come in for English.

When I came back, the security guard was a serious bitch. He claimed not to be able to see my ID, then when I moved it closer he accused me of shoving it in his face, and then snatched it off me. I mean fuck, how ridiculous.

So I went to English.

Which was fun.

We're doing Othello now.

The end.>