religion again. trying to find an answer 2003-12-26 @ 9:03 p.m.

I've said before that if I could change the world, I'm not sure that I would for fear of making it boring. I think that was wrong. I would change it. I'd like to make people appreciate life. I'm not sure how I could do that as I don't particularly appreciate it myself right now (I'm depressed again) Just a thought.

I would simply love to make people more tolerant. Because I mean.. all the temporary entertainment that things like this cause - intolerance, war, whatever - it's fake. It's superficial. If people respected one another, whatever race, whatever religion, whatever sexual preference - I mean, for a start it would make much more sense, and secondly, it would mean we could concentrate on things that actually mattered. Just a thought.

Who fucking cares? I don't care that my friends have an awful taste in girls / boys, so why do you care that I like both girls and boys? It doesn't matter. It doesn't affect you. It doesn't affect anybody. It is one of those things that I just do not understand. It's not even like it's just because I'm bisexual myself, it's because it doesn't make any fucking sense. Yeah your religion told you to hate me.. no... wait. It told you to love me. Whatever. Your religion told you it's wrong? I thought your religion told you that only God has the right to judge? In fact, if you're a Christian, your religion didn't even tell you that at all, because your whole little homophobic bit? It's in the old testament. I mean I know you little Christians like to pick and choose bits of the bible to pay attention to, but I swear Jesus basically abolished the old testament when he came to Earth? Just a thought.

Okay, so it's obvious that I have some prejudices myself. Firstly against Christians and secondly against stupid people. And quite a lot of the time, the two are synonomous. Don't get me wrong, there is the odd exception. But most the time? Nah. I mean anybody who follows an organised religion word for word is stupid for obvious reasons, and anybody who doesn't - well... why the hell are you still calling yourself a member of that religion? Why can't you develop your own beliefs for a change? Just a thought.

So okay.. maybe I don't even adhere to my own "No religious intolerance" rules. But then again, I'm an atheist, I have the right to judge. What's up with the Christians who judge Muslims or vice versa? YOU HAVE NO ROOM TO TALK! It's just the same religion under a different name. Now, okay, I need to htink of a way through this, because it's quite obvious that I have some issues here. Maybe... well... maybe I can think that you're stupid but accept that you have the right to differ from me in opinion... no... damn... cause then I might as well accept that racists have the right to differ from me in opinion.

Damn. Why isn't life ever easy? Why aren't there a simple set of rules that apply to everybody? When am I going to find a solution?

I think my parents are fools. They're like.. posers. They just want to be against everything in society. They think black people can't be racist because they don't have the economic power to be racist. Ummm... okay? No, there can still be racism without it being about money. It quite often is about money, but not always. I was also talking to them about Lizzie the other day. They were all lalala... until I told them she was a Christian. Then they were visiably different. They think Christians are stupid. Especially grown up Christians. I mean child Christians can be forgiven cause it's like believing in Santa, but grownup Christians? THey think they're imbecilles. They might be right.. BUT if I'd said she was a Muslim, it wouldn't have been the same. They would have automatically been more ready to like her.

I think my parents are prejudced against only those with power. It has nothing to do with their actual beliefs. If they have power, they're bad.

Hence, I think my parents are angsty teenagers deep down.

Especially my mother.

When I grow up, I want to be like Michael Moore and Dr Seuss. I'm going to write rhyming books of political correctness.

I'm still upset about the Earthquake in Iran and how many people died compared to a simiarly sized Earthquake in California. I find it really upsetting. I don't think I've been this upset by a news story for a long long time.>