my thoughts on political ideals and debating 2004-02-01 @ 12:39 a.m.

I had a big debate with Randy today. It was just like the old days. It started off with me saying that kids should be sent to their local schools (Which I passionately believe) and Randy disagreed with me and brought in some bullshit about freedom and how that wouldn't really narrow the class gap (Which was frustrating, because I've been doing sociology for some time now, and I've seen the statistics, and uh... it wouild)

And then he accused me of being insanely left wing, which is ridiculous. In fact I think the categories of left wing and right wing are ridiculous, because there are so many different types, I mean:

Left wing:

* Liberals - all freedom loving

* Communists - making everyone the same through state control

* Anarchists - letting people do what the hell they want with no control at all (ie retards)

Right wing:

* Fascists / Nazis - Don't think I really need to explain

* Conservative types - The Christian "Women should stay in the home" types who really have no clue and are terrified of change or disagreement and rebellion

* Capitalists - Want to make as much money as humanly possible while screwing everyone else over.

* Monarchist traditional types - kind of like Christian conservative types I suppose. Except I guess you can be Christian convervative type without wanting an archaic system of government to still have power.

I have to admit, I quite like capitalists in the same way that I like sociopaths. If I thought I could justify it, I'd love to be one. Just the idea of not caring how much everyone else got screwed over, just working for me... it's appealing. Unfortunately I have morals. And know that capitalism isn't true capitalism (As in, when capitalism was created, some people were already richer than others, and those people gave that money to their kids and have continued to do so, etc)

And I guess I am left wing, I have been interested in pretty much every type of left wingness up there. But insanely left wing? The notion that I am that frightens me, because I know some insanely left wing people, and they're like 10 times as left wing as me. I think Americans are just in some way deficient in humanity, respect and common decency. Insanely left wing indeed.. that almost sounds like an insult. Like I'm some radical who can't in any way justify what I believe, and I think that I just proved in that epic argument (It was great, I feel really refreshed.. well.. not sure that's the right word, but I feel better for that debate) that I am intelligent and can justify all of my views.

I just wish people didn't blunder into arguments with stupid convictions that are impossible to change. Like I know at least some of the stuff he thinks is based on the way he was raised and the life he's lived, same here, I just feel like I challenge it more than he does... I'm willing to change my views and he's not. Partly because I actually have views, he just likes to argue.>