Anger and Camden 2004-01-30 @ 4:33 p.m.

I feel so different and I don't really know how to describe it. I mean... feelings for Ezra came very suddenly, and now they seem to be fading a bit, like... I'd still maybe like to give it a go, but it's not as important.

I feel like I'm fighting a war, but nobody's on my side, and nobody's fighting back. I don't think any of my friends really understand the way that I feel at the moment. I'm so angry and it's so hard to explain it to anyone, and even when I manage, they don't listen. They don't care. Truth be told, that's part of what makes me so angry, we've lost our youth already. I mean teenagers are meant to go round thinking they can change the world. They're meant to get together and try to make their voices heard. They're meant to experiment with mind altering drugs... not dull their senses with alcohol. It is sickening.

God, why is this generation so crap?

And why do I feel such an urge to start again? Just move far far away from here. I feel so exploited. I go to Camden now, and it's like... I don't know. I can't explain it, it's like something has been taken from me. Like the people selling the clothes have taken something from me (Apart from far too much of my money) I'm bored of Camden clothes, I'm bored of looking like I do, some ... teenager. No.. it's not teenagers that are the problem. But I'm gonna get rid of my Camden clothes. Some of them at least. Probably just give them to Oxfam or something. I dunno, I haven't really thought about this decision clearly and rationally, but I'm tired of looking like a follower of some cult. It's time for me to wear something that actually... shows who I am. And I am NOT a Camdenite. I'm gonna go through my clothes tonight. I probably won't get rid of all of them or anyhting, but I'm not going to buy anymore clothes for a while, and when I do, I'm finding a new place to shop. Camden is no good. Nothing but badness.>