Dungarees and dog collar 2003-06-21 @ 8:49 p.m.

Hey. Went to the park with a bunch of people today. (Tamzin, Stephanie, Polly, A couple of their friends, Jordan, Tamsin) It was moderately fun. I Climbed a tree and I got home alive. I managed not to get lost for once!

Well I only didn't get lost because Stephanie was with me.. even though it turned out I knew the way better than her.

Errr.. what else.. me and Sibz were talking about Joe earlier.. we realised we have never actually seen him getting stoned and he could actually be faking the whole thing to worry us. We doubt it though although I think he's at least exaggerating. Oh, and today I was wearing dungaree shorts (that's overalls for you Yankees) and a "Don't attack Iraq" t-shirt underneath, and my hair up all neatly, and I was wearing a dog collar. It looked so cool. Sam greeted me with "Oh my god.. Hello my dyke friend!" aha, I don't care what he thinks *growls* maybe I wanna look like a dyke, maybe it increases my chances of getting girls :P

Random lyrics again..

dedicated to

how i'm killing you

controlling master

obey your master

your life burns faster

obey your master


master of puppets

pulling your strings

twisting your mind

slashing your dreams


---Later Comments On Entry--- 20/08/03 It seems that it may have in fact been Sibz who greeted me with "Hello my dyke friend">