crappypoem 2003-06-22 @ 4:54 p.m.

I know I've already written an entry today, but I wrote a poem and I wanted to put that in for the whole world to see - not that anybody reads this thing. I am aware that it's crap, but I like it.

I handed her my heavy heart

On a platter of gold

And I said she should feel free

To keep the platter as well

She kept the platter

And she polished it every day

As for my heart

She looked at it

With more than just a little distain

�Not everyone is blessed

With minds like ours?�

I suggested helpfully

She laughed out loud cruelly

�You most certainly aren�t�

She put my heart back in the blender

That she had rescued it from

She put my heart in a blender

And then she pushed the button

It's about Tamzin - I really ought to forgive her, it's been almost a year, and I have in a sense.. but i don't think that I ever will completely. I can't. She hurt me so much.

Reading over it, it could also be about unrequited lesbian love, especially the dialouge (not everyone is blessed with minds like ours) heh.. well just a little time wasting task. WHY do I still give her my heart on a platter?

well, that's pretty much it.

---Later Comments On Entry--- 20/08/03 Or perhaps she doesn't actually deserve forgiveness>