religious rantage 2003-06-23 @ 6:13 p.m.

My life is just as desperately boring as ever. I had to go into school for some last minute Latin revision today, but I completely forgot to check with my IT teacher that I hadn't completely fucked up and that it wasn't too late. Oh well.

As promised, a rant about organised religion is on the way. I don't have a reason for this, but I feel like ranting about something and this is just the thing I choose to rant about.

I just can't help but think that most of the people who follow an organised religion are increadibly stupid. The evidence that God exists at all is minimal. You say "Well there's no proof that he does" and they say "Well, there's no proof that he doesn't" but the fact is that we have no proof that there's not an invisible gorrilla charging madly around London.

The idea of God existing at all is pretty ridiculous, but the idea of a book that is 2000 years old being correct word for word is beyond that. It's insane. For all they know it could just be a mixture of stories and somones personal beliefs. I mean, basically that's all it is. Well and a handy little brainwashing tool for the church. I despair of the human race.

Why do people believe in God? Well, I guess to give a semi-accurate answer, I should ask my self, why did I believe in God when for about about a month when I was 9? The answer is simple. I was afraid of death. I still am, but at least I'm brave enough to admit that one day I am going to die and that I don't think that some all powerful being who only exists in my head is going to care enough about me to chuck me through them pretty pearly white gates of heaven.

The other thing that shows stupidity is when you meet people who have been Christians all their lives, and it doesn't cross their minds that if they were raised in a completely different environment they would almost certainly be a completely different religion. It's all dependent on how you are brought up, that makes it even more stupid.

There is a downside to mixing and matching your relgiion though (not that I do, because I don't have any reilgion) and that is that you just end up choosing bits that suit you, hence making yourself God. Though that is exactly what the people who wrote the bible and other holy books did I suppose.

---Later Comments On Entry--- 20/08/03 I'm sorry if my feelings on this offend anybody. It gets worse, and I feel I ought to say that I try not to hold prejudices against the people who actually practice organised religions.>