whining & self pity 2003-06-28 @ 7:49 p.m.

Hello. You know I think I must be so prone to depression.. when I'm out I'm all lalala then I get home and I'm just miserable. That might be because I just got home and Sam showed me a picture he took when we were out and I was so ugly in it, it was unbelievable. It showed my fucked up teeth, but they looked even worse because I was sticking them out because I always do that when I smile with my mouth open for some reason. It's a habit. So yeah.. I'm getting all depressed again.

And what the hell? My sister just knocked on my door and said "Can I ask you something?" without opening my door, so I said "Yeah, go on" and she was like "uhh.." and I snapped "You can come in if you want," so she opened the door and I was like "Well? what is it?" and then she said "Are you okay?" and I said "Yes" and then she left.. I think my mum sent her down to spy on me.

Um.. well yeah, that's about it really. Oh yeah, and the picture also showed my fucked up skin. I would get braces.. i should.. but i'm so lazy.

Well that's it. I've completed all exams, and I'm happy, and I can just sit and relax, and eat lots of chocolate and get really fat. And why not? I'm too ugly for anyone to want me anyway. Oh I wish I would grow up and stop being so fucking self pitying. It really bothers me.>