churches and .. um.. slappings? 2003-06-29 @ 10:30 p.m.

Well today was pretty interesting. I'll start with the little things that don't require a long rant.

Um.. a bunch of 11 year olds ambushed us because I was laughing at them (This is because I thought they were funny. Is that not a valid reason to laugh?) They were spitting at us and everything, I think I just naturally offend anything that moves. They probably get offended just by looking at me. But I was laughing the whole time they were spitting at us which infuriated them more. It reminded me of when we were in the cinema though, and watching a film and we were giggling and this guy came over to us and started yelling. And I carried on laughing and he went right up to me and yelled "DO YOU THINK IT'S FUCKING FUNNY!?" and I nodded and carried on laughing. Meh.

But then there was the church episode which I'll get to in a minute

Then there was the park episode where I started randomly singing and a guy called me a freak, and then a girl told me to hug him, so I went to do just that, and he said "Come any closer and I'll pour this water over you" and I said "So? it's a hot day and it's hardly like my top's gonna go see through" (I thought it was rather a pathetic threat) So i went to do it and got drenched. It was fun though.

Then.. oh okay, the church episode. I said an artists interpretation of Jesus was ugly (Note, nobody has ever actually seen the dude) (Oh I was only in a church cause I was watching Lizzie in a play thing. She was pretty damn good in it.) And I was with Sam, Sibz and this annoying christian girl. And when it was over Sibz was bitching at me for being disrespectful and the girl asked why she was pissed at me or something, and I told her, and then she slapped me, and I slapped her back, and then she shoved me and I tried to shove her back, but Sibz got in the way

So yeah i nearly got into a fight in a church. Then the stupid cow tried to claim (much later on) that it was the way in which I said it. The stupid bitch didn't even hear me say it! I just told her what I'd said! What a moron!

Now frankly I think relgion is a pile of bullshit. And I'm sorry if I'm offending people here, but I do, and I have no reason to give a crap about being respectful in the church of a religion that preaches such intolerance (hate gay people etc) if I offended the Christian girl, her religion offended me 1st. Childish I am painfully aware, but it's true too.

Now sibz is all pissed and being bitchy and I very nearly said somethign so far out of line that.. Father Christmas .. I'm just glad I didn't. I left the conversation and Randy was all "Well done" So yeah.. that's more or less my day.. I excercised self control and completely failed to excercise self control in the same twenty-four hours. It was a bit crappy. I hate arguing with Sibz, and she is right to a degree, I should have been more respectful, but at the same time, why should I? Because I've been conditioned to think I should? I'm really in the dark as to why I should be respectful to something that preaches such hate. Anyone who feels like explaining, do leave a note. Or I'm open to e-mails. [email protected]

Oh yeah and the thing that really pisses me off is that she thinks I'm "Not as open minded as you think" Do i think i'm open minded? No. I think I'm a shallow, closed minded, prejudiced bitch. It's why i have so many complete breakdowns.. I am what I hate. But all the same, I just am what I am.

---Later Comment on Entry--- 20/08/03 I told you I get worse>