worthless communist cults 2003-07-31 @ 4:14 p.m.

Well as I promised Sibz, I'm doing an entry to keep her amused. But I have very little to write about.

I went for a walk today. Err.. maybe if I do that everyday and eat no snacks and attempt situps then I'll get a flat stomach. When I say flat though, I don't mean skinny. I mean actually level!

I may format my diary.. but the thing is that I don't like formatted diaries that much. But it would make it more interesting (And NO Sibz, you cannot do it for me) Ransy and I had a "What if I was a junkie?" discussion again last night, I extended it to "What if Sam was a junkie?" and "What if Steph was a junkie?" because I've asked him about Sibz before and basically it's just the same as with me. Err.. but that's only when he doesn't just say "I don't fucking know!"

God I really need to find a new "what if" theme. It must be getting old. In fact, it got old a long time ago. But I enjoy it!

Semi-deep thoughts: If Nirvana were a revolution in music, why is it that very very similar music was out at exactly the same time? Like oh say.. the whole grunge scene!? They may have influenced todays music, but I find it hard to believe they changed all the other music of the era. The 90s were the best though! They had the best alternative music of any decade.

It's like practically every band I've ever been infratuated with has come from the early or mid 1990s. I'm turning into Randy! ... no I really am. I'm begining to think that violence solves problems, that some people are deserving of death (heh, although both of these new attitudes came from the Tamzin ordeal) and on top of that, I'm getting into music from the 90s, my vocabulary is picking up now I've started reading again. Soon it wil rival even his!!! Muahahahahha!!!! However, I have yet to manage to throw the word "Torpid" into a sentence.

My sleeping pattern is being repaired. I'm forcing myself to be up by a certain time, regardless of when I go to bed, which is hopefully going to quickly amend it.

I was watching Donnie Darko last night, and it is so deep, or or or, "deap" according to Sibz's townie. Hehe, "deap and mistic" ... is it bad that I mock people who can't spell? I won't go into the plot of the film, because Ransy said he'd watch it, and I don't wanna spoil it for him.

God I talk about Randy too much don't I? I think it's because I talk to him more than anybody else and so I get a lot of my ideas and things I know from him. He was telling me all about the American civil war the other day, I knew nothing about it before. But let me try to recall what I learned:

The civil war was betweeen the North and the South, because the South wanted to succeed from the Union. Err.. the North was called the Union and I can't remember what the South was called, but it was a cool word, I'll ask Randy again tonight. Um at first the South were winning because the North had "Pussy generals who wouldn't fight" but then err Lincoln? took over and he fought and even though he wasn't a good strategist the North won simply because they had better resources, and were willing to fight. And somehow it resulted in emancipation, but I don't really understand why that happened.

I learned something! I'll ask him about something else tonight. He doesn't know much about the English civil war, he thought it was fought between Queen Mary and Queen Elizibeth after their brother died of haemophillia. *giggles* Poor Ransy. At least we vaugely know about other countries here, but Americans are culturally retarded.

So have I written about my plans for my communist cult yet? I don't think I have. Well basically this is my slightly more realistic than dictator of the world plan.

Communism can't work within a country because too many people disagree with it. A dustbin cleaner will be getting paid the same as a doctor, so the doctor will get a bit pissed off and refuse to work cause he might as well work at something easier. This will cause the economy to implode. But with my idea, the cult is just full of people who agree with Communism. Or even just people willing to work for their keep. Everyone within the group (I guess the ideal size would be a couple of hundred) works at a different job for the group, and shares the finished product amongst everyone. Obviously this group wouldn't have a leader because everyone would be equal, but I would be the one to establish it. So I wouldn't feel quite so worthless.

I feel worthless at the moment because I feel like unless I can make the world better my life isn't worth living. I've mentioned that a few times now haven't I?>