The cast - revisited 2003-08-13 @ 9:45 p.m.

Due to changes in my social circle I feel I should redo the cast of characters in the hillarious and yet far too dramatic show that is my life.


My mother - I call her by her first name (Louise) and she likes to think that she's pretty liberal. She tries to be political too, but she's really not that much. She's overprotective, annoying and can be a right cow, but of course, I do love her. (And I think she loves me despite the fact she's convinced that I'm anorexic, on drugs, suicidal, self harming, pregnant, about to fail all my exams, smoking and pretty much anything else you can think of)

My father - If I'm talking to my mother about him I refer to him as "Daddy" if I'm talking to my friends about him it's "my dad" and if I'm talking to him it's "Oi! You!" he's pretty conservative in comparison to the rest of my family, but I love him all the same. He takes me on holiday and buys me lots of pretty things. I think it's guilt for the fact that he rarely sees me.

Ruth - My eight year old sister. She's annoying and selfish and won't play nice with others and she's a wimp which I really despise in her and she won't stand up for herself. And she cries if she gets into trouble and she's fanatical about star treck. In short, she's just like I was as a child. Damn I hate her. Meh, but I love her as well.

Naomi - No, my family are in no way religious. My step dad's always liked the name Naomi and my mum the name Ruth. I would have been called Ruth if my dad hadn't insisted on "Ann". Naomi's sweet and nice and generous and intelligent. Basically the exact opposite of Ruth. But oh how I love her. I really do. And she's very philisophical for a 5 year old as well.

Andrew (My step dad) - He's pretty cool. We share a similar taste in music although his is obviously a bit older. He listened to music that was old when he was a kid as do I. We talk about all sorts of stuff, music, politics, food, history, the last tv show we watched. He's interesting and I enjoy talking to him. He's easier to get along with than my mum is.


Sibz - Sibz is my self harming, semi-goth, pretty, interesting and intelligent friend. She also has a fabulous taste in music. If one didn't know her they would perhaps be too hasty to class her as a typical cliche attention whoring adolescent. But they'd be very wrong. Sibz is marvellous. I have recently discovered that you can tell her pretty much anything without having to be in fear of your life, and she's generally just a good person to open up to. She's also the latest member of the coming out as bisexual trend. (But I started it!!!) Nicknames: Sibz, Sibby, Sibzy, Zibby and err probably more. Just don't call her Siobhan or she might murder you.

Sam - Sam's probably the only friend I made during the time that I was in the hell hole that is Highbury Grove that was actually worth the pain and effort. He's cool. Very secretive, (a little like Sibz, except she's slightly better). He, as Randy once phrased it, seems really smart sometimes and at others seems barely functional. But either way he's nice, if a little arrogant and very cliche in his insults ("whatever", "sure ya did", "yeah yeah") Okay Sam! We know you can do better than that! Nicknames: err.. Sam

Lizzie - She's my favourite Christian ever!!! She's tall and blonde and pretty and lovely and and and she's so nice and I love her. LIZZIE!!! I love you!!! Um she plays various classical instruments and also recently aquired an electric gutar. Lizzie and Sibz and Sam are in a band. And Randy's going to be the drummer when he comes to England. Err Lizzie's the guitarist and vocalist, Sibz is the bassist and Sam writes the lyrics. Nicknames: Liz, Liggy, Eligabeth

Randy - I wasn't sure whether to include him here or under "Internet friends" but I figure he's deserving of a post in friends. He's marvellous. He knows something about everything. Recently (well in December) he stole a computer from his school (But only cause he was really bored!) and got caught (Moron) and now he's on probation and so I get very angry with him if he even mentions the idea of getting drunk or taking anything. He's nice and interesting and very intelligent and he's a great conversationalist and a fantastic person to argue with. And you can tell him anything. Err unless you're a guy and you hit a girl because then he'll probably beat the crap out of you. Nicknames: Randy, Ransall, Ransy, Nibblix


Ben H - He's very accademically smart and also fairly streetwise. He has a musical taste stuck back in the 1960s and the most recent band that he likes is probably Nirvana. He also likes very few bands even from that era. He's an arrogant bastard and his best friend is dating my mortal enemy. But he's pretty sweet. And I like his eyes. And his hair. Nicknames: Hobz, Hobson, Benedict, Ben

Kalim - Ben H's best friend. Is dating my mortal enemy. Kalim's pretty much always been there for me and has also been a pretty decent friend. His advice is priceless but I tend to first put a price on it and then throw it out of the window to the nearest begger around. He's really nice. Nicknames: Kal, Kushi

Stephanie - Steph's really nice. But not as nice as she'd have you believe. She's cool though. A Harry Potter fanatic, and also a teeth fanatic (Yes my friends, she is obsessed with teeth and wants to be a dentist) She's pretty and is the only girl I know who I've ever really been sexually attracted to (Man that must be awkward for her) she was bicurious for a bit too, but then decided she was straight (Amusingly Sibz who was bicurious at the same time went Bi) Stephanie's personality at first glance can seem a little watered down, however once you talk to her you find that she is really interesting. Nicknames: Steph, Dobby, Dandelion

Ben Ng - Ben Ng was Tamzin's accomplice in making my life misery last year, but he's pretty cool now. He's interesting, has spiked hair and can be really nice to those he likes. He's probably the person I know who is most open minded about music. My favourite Ng moment was when I said to him "I think I might be gay" and he said "What makes you think that?" and I said "I like girls a lot and not really guys" and he said "Oh.. yeah, that would be a pretty good indicator" Nicknames: Ng

Joe - I'm unsure about whether to put him under internet friends or sub friends, but I think that seeing as I've met him a few times and went on anti-war marches with him, and also he lives nearby and knows friends of friends in person, I'll let him reside in this category. Um he's our druggy mate. And a classic example of how one thing leads to another (Fuck you, you stereotype fitting bastard) We're all a little worried about him. But he is really nice. When he's not high, coming down or unable to get high. But in the rare moments where he has weed by his side but isn't smoking it and isn't generally being boring, he's really cool.

Ezgi - An ex sub friend I guess.. not really worth mentioning here. But she was pretty cool. Despite being the embodiment of fat and ugly. I feel bad for her, but I'm sure that everything will turn out okay for her. Not everybody's as shallow as she is.

Kelly - Also an ex sub friend. I think she's hot.. but nobody else seems to agree. I guess she was my first (kinda) friend to lose her virginity. Oh and Sam.. lol.. but I think he lost it before we were friends.

Polly - Can be annoying. Is technically Sam's ex although they never went on a date, never kissed and never spoke in even a vaugely romantic way. She's not really my friend so much anymore, but I guess she's pretty cool. Sometimes.


Chris - scottish geezer who keeps telling me that i need therapy.

Tristan - Bristilion geezer who keeps telling me that i need therapy. He's cooler than Chris though and far more intelligent. I feel that there's a lot that I can learn from Tristan, although fortunately from words and not bad experiance. He can be arrogant and condescending but really he's just like everyone else. Except unique. Sam's always worried that Tristan's gonna neglect him and be friends with me AS IF SAM!!! lol, Tristan is Sam's Randy. And any type of Randy is cool.

Amy - Nothing in the world will make me describe my relationship with Amy. Basically she was my 14 year old self's role model. I guess she's pretty cool. She abandoned me (the 14 year old me) to go off and fuck her boyfriend. But I don't know, I think I'd still like her. Err.. but perhaps be slightly less obsessive.

Candice - Amy's cousin. Not as interesting as Amy, but I still talk to her on occasion. She's pretty cool.

Laura - Don't talk to her much anymore, but I used to talk to her a lot. She always greets me in Spanish. She's Mexican. Um... what else to say about her.. she's interesting and a good conversationalist. Her birthday is like 2 days before mine. On the same day as my step dad's I think. She's interesting and nice.

Wilson - Wilson is actually my (ex) Latin teacher's son and I don't talk to him much. But I guess he's okay. I get half my amusement out of his screen names and wondering what his dad would say if I were to repeat them.

Ryan - I guess he's more of a sub friend but I'll only talk to him on the internet from now on probably so I just shoved him in here (cause I only just thought of him) I used to have a crush on him. I think I may have sent him an e-mail telling him that. Err I wrote an e-mail but I didn't think I sent it. But he was telling me I sent him an e-mail the next day.. I don't know. We hung out a lot on the last night of school when we all got pissed. Ryan ended up falling asleep in the middle of the road and I was standing there yelling at him.

Rohnin - Ah yes, the boy from Tenesse who likes country music and raises horses. He's also a computer geek. The times amaze me. He's always good for a laugh.

Ella - I know her friend Kellie in person kind of. Our dads are friends. But I actually talk to Ella a lot more than Kellie. She's a bit fucked up, a lot of that by Kellie and I'm not convinced that she's entirely mentally stable. God Kellie is a bitch to her. Me and Ella are famous for planning little torture kits as a marketing scheme. They come in like little 1st aid boxes and are full of needles, pins, matches, cigarettes, handcuffs, photos of dead people and a camera. Basically anything that can be used to mentally or physically torture people.

Saz - she's 17, may be pregnant, is engaged to her male best friend and got engaged right after breaking up with her boyfriend she'd been with for years. Christ she's odd. Don't talk to her often as a rule, but I thought she deserved a mention.

Shellie - She was probably my second favourite msn person after Amy, but she too abandoned me. What is wrong with these people!!! I feel bad though, she was self harming and thinking about suicide a lot and I didn't say much.. I feel like I should of.. especially as she stopped coming online so suddenly.. no.. but she's fine, she was on for like a few hours at one time in between.

Rich - may be promoted to real life sub friend soon, as Lizzie is determined to meet him. Meh.. he's Sibz's ex boyfriends ex friend. He's lovely. He has tourettes. Um.. he's generally just really nice, and he made me feel a lot better about myself. He plays guitar and yeah.. he's cool. Probably the biggest Muse fan in the world.


John - my step dad's dad. He's half blind and generally a little eccentric. My step dad has suggested that with 6 kids he still doesn't know where babies come from.

Carol - my step dad's step mother. She's fussy but really nice. She's really hard on her younger kids but when Sam who's a year older than me comes through the door totally wasted and she says "How much did you smoke tonight?" and he replies "fuckloads" she generally laughs and then tells him not to overdo it.

Sam - my step half uncle outside law. He's cool. Interesting and funny. I get on well with him. And he never ceases to amaze me with how well he actually does know me.. I must talk to him a lot when he's around. I won't bother writing about his brothers and sister, but they're cool too I guess. Sam unlike Joe actually knows his limits when it comes to drugs.

Uncle Bob - on my dad's side he's pretty much the only relative that I really know. He lost his little finger as a kid when he and my dad were playing with explosives.

Charlie - The only family friend I feel like mentioning really. He's so liberal that the only way his 11 year old daughter can think of to rebel against him is to become a Christian. Poor child.

Imbar - She's the insane family friend. She's the sort of person who'll sit down in the street, take some bread out of her bag and make a sandwich. She's a vegetarian and an insensitive cow, when her "commonlaw husband"s daughter went missing for months her comment on the situation was "she's 17, I don't see what he's so worried about" She's a character and a half though. I like her.


Tamzin - She made my life so miserable for so long. She's really manipulative and gets kicks out of playing with people's feeligns, she probably has a personality disorder (or 5). She hurt both Sibz and Sam though which really was the last straw with me (even though she also hurt myself and probably a lot worse). You'd have to meet her to believe it. But you'd probably end up bending over backwards to kiss her ass.

Chris Langsdon - Violent, racist, homophobic piece of shit. He held a KNIFE to Sam's throat. One day someones going to kill him. He's still not as bad as Tamzin though.

Jordan - Tamzin's sister. She wouldn't be an enemy if she'd grow some fucking independance.

Danny - 2 faced backstabbing bastard liar. He's joined the Tamzin crew and his views mimic Tamzin's exactly. (He hates me and Sibz and Sam, but has SO much respect for Lizzie) I don't know whether I'm more appualled at him or at her for manipulating a year 7 like that and making him feel wanted when in fact everyone in her little group hates him. (Trust me, I've asked) Poor guy. He's nasty though. Or perhaps just impressionable.

Ryan - a different Ryan. He's Tamzin's cousin. I'm not sure if he's another sheep or if he's on her level. I think he's on her level but they feed off of one another. If Tamzin does something it's automatically right to him. He's met me once in his life and spoken to me on msn for about 10 minutes and he hates me. Moron.

That's all I can think of for now.

