Oooh Look. I Can Swear 2003-09-04 @ 5:48 p.m.

I'm not in a particularly great mood. Then again, I never am, so what did you expect?

I spent the night at Lizzie's house. I slept better than I have in a long while actually, despite the fact that I didn't until 6am. But that's another story.

Um.. there's some stuff that I don't really want to say here, and some other stuff. And I'm currently trying to seperate the two in my mind. So bear with me.

Sometimes I wish I hadn't given anybody my diaryland address thing. But it's hardly like I have any huge secrets. I have a couple of little ones, but... that's different. And I don't think it would really matter if I wrote them down here or not other than that people would know them, and I don't really want that.

Sam and I had to go enroll yesterday. It was hellish. Seriously hellish. It hurt my brain. We had to wait around for hours and then Sam didn't get in basically, because he wasn't in time to sign up for the courses (this is because they shuffled him around all day) But he's okay now, kind of. I'm not 100% sure what he's doing, but for some reason because they discovered he's dyslexic, he landed on his feet.

Oh but I'm not in a good mood. I think Sam's on a mission to piss me off. First I have a hellish time this morning trying to apply eye liner (Okay, no, I'm not the most feminine person in the world) and then we see Sam. First he's looking at pictures with all of us in and saying how everyone looks good except for him, but he was going through the people "Lizzie looks nice, Sibz looks nice, Phoebe looks nice" etc, then he gets to me and pauses before saying "And Annie looks better than she does now"

I can deal with that, I ignore him.

Then he starts saying how the eyeliner doesn't suit me because now it looks like I have feminine eyes but such an unfeminine nose.

I tell him that if I was interested in his opinion I would have asked, but I pretty much ignore him.

Then we were walking down the street, and he's saying that because makeup makes me look arrogant and condescending, I'll probably fit in so well at the school I'm going to. And then I just turned around and yelled at him (Not exactly yelled, my voice still had control of itself) "FUCK OFF" and then he smirked and went "And now you have the attitude too"

And I wasn't having a good time last night. Me and Sibz were just sitting in the other room while Harriet and Lizzie watched Trainspotting in the living room, and Sibz read my conversation on the computer with Randy (Which was basically me telling him I was depressed, although I didn't go into detail) And then we were just sitting there not really talking, just being depressed. And then Sibz started counting her scars and told me to tell Randy that there were 15 visible ones on her arm. So I did. And then he said it was bad and she needed to stop. So I gave her the keyboard.

We were also talking to my step half uncle. A much more amusing conversation. Sibz was trying to get a picture off him, so he sent one titled "Naked picture". It was a goat. And we were talking about how dearth is a serious criminal offense and even worse if combined with other offences like drink driving or plotting suicide or terrorism. And he was telling me about shrooms and stuff. Thrilling. Fuck me, why did I decide to be straightedge?

Sam's going to be living outside of London next year and only coming home on Sundays to see his friends. Thrilling. Everybody leaves.

Eventually I'll have nobody left but me.

In other news I'm going to get more into learning how to fight again. I need to be perfect and ready. It's a "Just in case" thing.

Oh fuck this. I'm going to go tidy my room.>