Survey 2003-09-10 @ 10:01 p.m. Everyone else is doing these bloody survey things, so I thought I would too:

What does your name mean? Ha, this one's ironic, in hebrew my name means "Graceful"

How old are you? I'm 16

How old are you mentally (as in are you mature?)? It varies. I can be very mature and I can be very immature.

Describe yourself in 5 words or less: Eccentric, political freak of nature

What are your worst qualities: Can be irritating, going to far on certain things, narrow mindedness about certain things

What are your best qualities: Selflessness, not being apathetic

How long does it take you get get ready in the morning: Depends on the day


Do you dream at night? I never used to, but I've started to over the last few months

Do you remember your dreams? Sometimes

Describe one: I was with my sisters and a couple of other people, don't know who they were, and this.. thing.. was trying to kill us and I was trying to rescue my sisters, and we were following this thing because it was forcing us to (I think it was some sort of ghost, it looked human but I'm not sure) and I told this other girl to cross the road with my sisters, and go in the opposite direction, and the thing saw, and it killed me. (It wasn't a nightmare as such though)

What time do you go to bed usually? Well there's a question and a half... At the moment I'm going to bed at about 6 or 7am, but usually usually, as in, school time, about midnight or 1.

What time do you wake up normally? At the moment about 2pm, usually about 7:30am

What time do you wake on weekends? about 10 am (usually)

Do youfind waking late nice or annoying? Depends. If I oversleep it's uncomfortable and I hate it.

do you sleep with one pillow or two? Just one


Do you like school? No

Why/why not? Because my school is full of retards who wear their trousers half way down their legs, can't speak proper english and their favourite pastime is to make fun of me. Oh and then there's the work, but the problem with that is mostly just my own laziness

Whats ur fave subject? history

Most hated subject? maths

Do you have a fave teacher? no

Ever had a crush ona teacher? only in year 3 and I didn't really, it's just that everyone else did and I joined in..

Are you a maths/science person or an english/drama person? english person, but fuck drama.


Do you have heaps of friends? very few

Do you have a best friend? kind of

Do you have more guy friends or more girl friends? um... well more girl "friends" but if you include "aquaintances", more guy ones.

Do you ever get annoyed at any friend? of course i do, who do you think i am? an angel?

Have you ever lied to a friend? yes

Have you ever stolen a friends boyfriend/girlfriend? of course not


Do you like your parents? sometimes

Ever run away from home? for 10 minutes

Ever thought about it? yes

Do you have any siblings? 2

If so, do you like or get annoyed with them? both of course

How old are they? 8 and 5

If not, do you mind being an only child? I didn't mind it at the time and I don't suppose I'd mind it now

Do you feel your parents spoil you? no, well my dad does, but I don't se ehim that often

Do you not get along with any of your family? I don't get along with one of my sisters, but I like her and everything.

Do you have big family get togethers ever? No


Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? No

If so, are you in love with them? No

Do they love you? No

How long have you been together? Never

Most romantic thing theyve ever done for you? None

Do you have a crush? No

If so, are you in love? No

Do they know you like them? No

Is it serious or playful? Neither

How long have you liked them? Never

Ever done something stupid to impress them? No

Have you ever experienced unrequited love? No

Do u find it romantic or hurtful? Neither

Even know what it is? How stupid do you think I am?


Ever had sex? No

believe that a person shouldnt have sex before marriage? What!? What do you take me for!?

Believe in casual sex? Meh..

When do you plan/when did you lose your virginity? Next summer

Did you regret it? I suppose I might, but I don't yet now do I.


Do you have a religion? No

Do you practice it i.e go to church? I go to church sometimes *giggles* err but no

Do you believe in God? No

Jesus? No

Satan? No

Heaven? No

Hell? No

If you died tomorrow what do you beleive will happen to you? Well I'll probably be cremated, but I'm not sure, ask my parents

Does death scare you? Yes


Have you ever been drunk? Yes

taken drugs? Just Weed

stolen? Yes

shoplifted? Yes.. but nothing big

tried to commit suicide? No

Lied to a boyfriend or girlfriend? No

gotten into a fight? I tried once *shakes head*

are you more innocent or guilty? Um... neither

Would you date a drug addict? Yes I think so

have you ever had to look after someone who was a drug addict? Not as of yet, may decide to be a drugs councillor though, then I guess that would be my line of work.

Are you racist? No

Are you discriminatory to anyone? Not exactly, sometimes I can't help but look down on people but I try not to.

Have you been a hypocrite in the past? Who hasn't?

Do you have an open or closed mind to other peoples beliefs and feelings? Depends. When it comes to relgion I admit I can be pretty closed minded. But to me it's the same as being expected to be open minded towards a Nazi.


Do you watch tons of tv? Fuck no. "Sell your television set and buy a better hi-fi"

How many times have you been to the movies in the past 6 months? No idea

Do you listne to the radio often? Rarely

Do you read the newspaper? Yeah, usually I do get my news from the TV though.

Do you read magazines? Not unless I'm REALLY bored.

Are you a couch potato? I don't think so.

Do you use the internet too much? Definately.


Whats your fave style of music? Rock, grunge

Do you play an instrument? No, but I'd like to learn.

Do you sing? No

Whats your fave band? Hm... at the moment it's between Nine Inch Nails, Tool and Metallica

Why? Just like them. LIke the lyrics too.

Have you met them before? Nope

Name 3 cds that youve bought in that last year: Uh.. Metallica - Load, Nirvana - Bleach, Peace Not War compilation

Why did you buy them? because I like them! (And was against the war in Iraq is the reason for the latter)


Whats your fave sport? None

Whats your fave sport to watch? Football I guess

Do you have a fave team of any sort? Nope

Do you play a lot of sport? Nope

ever won anything for sport? Just swimming certificates, but no.


Are you funny or serious? Serious

Creative or not? I have an artistic mind but no artistic talent

Logical thinker or lateral thinker? Hm.. bit of both. I guess I'm more lateral.

Are you outgoing or shy? Depends on the situation

Are you lazy or active? Lazy

Have you ever been hyperactive? Lots

Are you a naturally hyperactive person? Um... no, but I can be


Are you happy with the way you look? Right now at this moment in time, completely, 99% of the time - absolutely not.

What would you change? I'd clear up my skin, get more controllable hair and straight teeth and lose maybe a stone (14 pounds)

Do you wear makeup regularly? Never

Do you have a large wardrobe? Yeah, kinda


Do you have a job? Nope

Do you like it? Non-existent

Are you a saver or a spender? Spender

Do you work hard or slack off? I slack off

Have you ever been fired? No

In trouble at work? No

Made a major mistake? No

Ever had money stolen from you? Not that I know of

Are you always broke? Um.. not really

~embarassing moments~

Your all time most embarassing moment? Don't really have one of spectacular interest.. Oooh, once when I was in Cornwall with my dad I was wearing a swiming costume that was too big for me and I didn't notice one of my breasts was hanging out of my side until my father kind of pointed it out to me.. that was embarrassing

Ever snorted drink out your nose? Yes... Hot chocolate, I started laughing and I couldn't breathe and.. there was a lot of hot chocolate onthe pavement. Sam took a picture.

Ever giggled like an idiot? Yes

Ever embarassed yourself and pretedned nothing happened? Uh.. probably. I'm not that easily embarrassed.

Ever tripped in front of someone you liked? Oh I'm always tripping, it's why my name's so ironic.

Ever said soemthing really stupid? Yes. Hasn't everybody?

Ever snorted while laughing? Yes..

Ever fallen off a bed? Yes..

Ever sleepwalked? No

Ever sleeptalked? I hope not..


Whats your best memory? Not sure.. I don't really relish memories like that. And some of my best memories involve some of my not best people.

Worst? It might sound kind of sad, but my cat going missing.

Whats the wierdest memory you have? Sitting in the kitchen with my mum and step dad and step half uncle Sam having my first talk about where babies come from.. my mum told me that people say you have sex in a bed, but you can actually have sex anywhere, and i asked if you could have sex on top of a fridge (I didn't really understand) and they said it would be difficult. And my step half uncle Sam told me that sex was "banging bums and touching tounges"... I proceded to have "sex" with him.

Do you have a good memory? Generally speaking, yes

Whats the coolest holiday you remember having? Hm... probably my one in Egypt when I was 13.. except my dad kept getting ripped off, and I looked at him with such scorn apparently.


Ever had funny thoughts and laughed and no one understood you? Yep

Whats the firs tthoght that comes to your head when you hear these names?

Bob - Science

Vanessa - Skinny

Alyssa - Nice

Jess - Hermphrodite

Brian - Guitar

Charlie - Fat

Olivia - pretty

Drew - disgusting

Lily - ghost

Anita - fish

Whats the firs thtoughts that come to your head while hearing these words?

cheese - cheddar

rubber - cloth

clothes - tight

big - ass

dress - gothic

jacket - leather

polyester - elephant

kite - fly

washing - clean>