patriotism 2003-09-10 @ 7:32 p.m.

Patriotism is the stupidest idea any person ever came up with. Ever.

Why love a country just because it's where you happened to be born? I mean why love a country at all? It's dirt.

I'm not proud to be English, I wouldn't be proud to be American, I wouldn't be proud to be Chinese and I wouldn't be proud to be Iraqi, I wouldn't be proud to be from Russia and I wouldn't be proud to be from Palestine, I wouldn't be proud to be from Germany nor from Poland. I wouldn't be proud to be from Ghana and I wouldn't be proud to be from Canada.

It's stupid. It's completely overlooking that your country has done a pile of shit things - and every country has, completely overlooking that, and somehow believing that your country is better than the next dude's. Why? I don't udnerstand.

Not only is it retarded but it turns into nationalism which turns into racism, which turns into hate and unhappiness.

Stupid people.

Who could be stupid enough to think that patriotism would actually bring any sort of good to the world?>