Morbid Survey 2003-11-22 @ 4:58 p.m.

Having a bit of a morbid day:

1. What age would you rather die, 20 or 98?

98. I don't ever really want to die.

2. Would you rather die by being raped and murdered or by being strapped down on a bed and have a swinging pendulum slowly cut you?

The latter. I think anything but being raped.

3. Would you want to die a virgin or a prostitute?

Hm... good question... a prostitute I think.

4. How many people do you think will go to your funeral?

No idea. Hope I won't be having a funeral too soon.

5. Let's just say you're morbid like me.... you commit suicide by shooting yourself in the head or by taking 150 vikaden?

Shooting myself. Quicker. Less likely to survive.

6. Would you rather die in an old folks home or by yourself?

By myself.

7. What would you want written on your tombstone?

I don't know. Something funny.

8. What color coffin would you like, black or brown?

Hm... brown.

9. What would your funeral song be, Amazing Grace or Happy Trails?

Good God, neither. Lake of fire all the way!

10. If you were in jail and were waiting to be fried in the chair, would you kill yourself by taking a gun from the policeman or wait for the chair?

Wait for the chair. More painful but it would show to more people the inhumanity of the death sentence.

11. Do you want to die childless or divorced?


12. Who do you want to die first, your husband "or wife"?

Err.. hm? I don't think I'll have a husband AND a wife? In fact, I don't think I'll have either. But I suppose I'd want my significant other to die first, cause... well... I dunno. It'd be best for all involved.

13. Do you want to die in the morning, afternoon, or night?

Night. I'd like to die looking at the stars.

14. If you could come back as any animal, what would you come back as?

An owl.

15. Do you believe in vampires?

Of course not.

16. Have you ever been committed?

No, although I may just commit myself one day, and then discharge myself. Just cause I think that it could be useful one day.

17. What would you want your last drink too be, vodka or lemonade?

Vodka! Who'd wanna die sober!?

18. What about your last meal, a hamburger and fries or steak and mashed potatoes?

Steak and mashed potatoes.

19. Who would you leave your inheritance with, your cat or dog?

Well I don't have a dog, so my cat. I love him. I feel like I identify with my cat more than anybody else right now. We're both lonely. And all the other cats hate him too.

20. Do you want to go to heaven or hell?

Neither. But if it had to be one of them, hell. Cause an eternity in God's presence with a bunch of religious nutters would just bore the crap outta me.

21. Do you want to be dressed in white or black at your funeral?

White. I dress in black the rest of the time, might as well have a change of clothes.

22. Would you rather die by jumping in a sea full of sharks or in a cage full of lions?

Hm... a cage full of lions. Very Roman. Plus I like lions better so I'd rather give them a good meal.

23. Is the glass half full or half empty?

Half full. Half full. And if it's a tumbler and it's half full of vodka, all the better.

24. Do you want it to rain on the day of your death or do you want it to be sunny?

"I think it's gonna raaaaaaaaaiiiiin when I die" I hope so too. What a loss it'll be to the world. It has to rain.

25. What kind of flowers do you want on your coffin?

White roses.

26. Would you rather die of bee stings or snake bites?

Snake bites. More sexy. Plus I like snakes better than bees.

27. How many regrets will you have when your time comes?

That depends on when my time comes. If I died right now I'd have quite a few. But.. nah. Not that many.

28. And who's fault will it be when you die, gods or your parents?

Haha, good one. Hm... neither. Probably my own. I know I'll end up dying cause of something stupid I've done (Even if that is just not going to see a doctor)

29. Will you run to the white light or walk?

There will be no white light. But I think I'd just sit down, clutch my head and hope it wasn't happening.

30. Do you believe in life after death or when you're dead, you're dead?

I believe that when you're dead, you're dead. But... I'm going to pretend to be a little open minded. I think some kind of life after death is POSSIBLE.

31. How many people will it take to hold your coffin up?

Are you implying that I'm fat? Hm... well, maybe one person at the head end, and 10 or so to carry my lower half.

32. AND who would you pick to read at your funeral, Edgar Allen Poe or Brittney Spears?

Oooh Edgar Allen Poe I think. Not least because I despise Britney Spears. But actually... I dunno. Britney Spears might be able to make them all laugh a bit better. But then again, Edgar Allen Poe is cool. So him.>