speech change 2003-11-23 @ 9:18 p.m.

So I wrote my speech. I did it on self harm in the end. I can make it last 10 minutes too. But I don't like it. It's too uncomfortable. Too awkward. Too personal. Not controversial enough, and not for the ears of my class who already think I'm a fucking psycho.


I decided to completely change my mind at the last minute and I'm doing it on the issue of homophobia.

I think that affects more people in my class to be honest, cause if I can change just one or two attitudes, then I'll be happy. And it affects me too. I'm bisexual. And I know that it's more commonly accepted in girls, but I still get some shit, and that pisses me off. And to know that my male gay friends get it worse seriously makes me angry.


There we go.

Gotta go write a speech.>