Average day I guess 2003-12-04 @ 9:17 p.m.

I handed in 3 English essays today.

It was incredible. The teacher came to my table and he said, "This weeks homework, oh, and you owe me last weeks too" and then he looks at his sheet and says "And you still haven't given me.." and I just pull three essays out of my bag and hand them to him. It was brilliant. Amazing. I felt so good. Like a huge weight had been lifted.

I've done most of the work due in tomorrow as well. Just need to write a conclusion and maybe a little bit more on my sociology essay. And well.. the teachers instruction for history homework was "Read a book or something" meh. I will do. At some point.

My mum and I are going to see Northern Lights (Made into a play) at the theatre! I'm so excited! I loved that whole trilogy so much! I want to read the books again too! They're so brilliant!

Yeah. That's... well. Happiness for you. Happy. Smiles.

I pretty much avoided everybody in school today. By everyone I mean Jo and co. It's not that I don't like them and all, I do, I'm just incredibly... I don't know. But I didn't want to see them. I didn't want to go to lunch with them today. I didn't want to talk to them at breaktime. I didn't want to feel like an intruder. I didn't want to sit there awkwardly again. I didn't want to be around them today. I know I have to try, if I want to keep their friendships. But trying too hard is a bad move.

I only had one lesson today anyway. It was okay. I talked to Asher in the break. He wanted to steal my idea for my presentation (Gay rights etc) for his one. So he took some notes and we got talking about films and stuff. Which meant I didn't have to see Ezra or Jo and co or anybody. Then I just went straight home.

I did some homework, and then Harry (Sibz's boyfriend) phoned and asked if I wanted to go out today, and so I arranged to meet him at 4, craftily, at the time I'd also arranged to meet Ryan so he could give my CDs back, and in the same place. So well planned. Well Harry was on time, Ryan was late, as a consequence, we wandered off and I didn't get my CDs back. Dammit! Although apparantly Ryan called my house, so I'm guessing he did actually show up in the end.

Hm... I need to memorise a poem or something. I get so bored. I need something to recite for those times. I'm thinking an entire Dr Seuss book will do the trick.>