anger like i've never fucking felt it 2003-12-28 @ 1:24 p.m.

Angry again. Really angry. I've been lied to. The Labour government has been lying to me continuously since their election. Or since I started watching the news, I can't remember which came first. The media has been lying to me too. Not as badly as in America, but still pretty badly.

My civil rights have been slowly eroding over the years. Well, since that stupid anti-terrorism act was passed. I don't anymore, do I? I don't have freedom to protest, I have somewhat less freedom of speech, the government can detain me indefinately without a trial if they want to. And who says they won't?

What if a completely seperate policy they have begins to mix with it.. for instance what if they decide to go really tough on... let's use drugs as an example... lets say they decide to detain everybody known to have used drugs without trial - nah, that wouldn't work for them and we all know it. Okay, how about if they decide that while I'm on some massive protest, they're just going to arrest everybody there on suspicion of terrorism. Obviously they wouldn't get everybody but they'd be able to get a good few arrests. I'm not sure I feel entirely comfortable with the information that they're entitled to do this, regardless of its liklihood. I don't trust them. I mean it's not a Labour government as far as I'm concerned, why would I trust them? I'm not stupid.

But how about the situation in America? The CIA can just check out what library books a person is borrowing - without any reason what so ever - and the laughable part - the library isn't even allowed to tell the person in question that it's been checked or they face prosecution. Woah, now I'm against privatisation, but I do like a little bit of personal privacy. If I lived in America I don't know what I'd do. Probably hop on the first plane out. I don't think I could live in a country that repressed my rights so. The patriot act? It's just about the most unpatriotic, unamerican thing ever passed! I mean isn't America supposed to be about freedom? Like freedom to practice whatever religion you want, read whatever books you want, vote whatever way you want, and not fear persecution?

And how about the voting whatever way you want? I was re-reading stupid white men, and about the part about how in Florida ... was it George Bush's brother... the governer right? Anyway, basically he made it so nobody with a felony on their record could vote. That's a large percentage of the black population there. And, what's more, the black population there overwhelmingly votes democrat (By 90% or something) not only this though! People with similar names and dates of birth to those with felonies weren't allowed to vote! And certain people in the same famileis are likely to have simialr details! And people in the same families are likely to be... yes.. you got it, the same race! JESUS CHRIST. How could they get away with corruption that blatant?

Or, how about this dude, Russ Feingold, a Winsconsin democrat, how about when he was the only person out of 99 to vote against the patriot act. They used incredible amounts of bribary and blackmail, threatened that he may not have a job if he voted the wrong way, etc, but he did anyway. He voted against it. I think he's maybe somebody to look up to. Yeah. Definately. Somebody who actually went for what he believed in over money. But how about freedom to vote whichever way you wish. Damn. Looks like a bit of a myth eh?

Now it's kind of obvious that I'm getting a lot of this from Michael Moore. Also quite obvious that I can't put it as eloquantly as him. But shit dude...

Did you know that at more risk from yourself than you are from terrorists? Let me give you some statistics:

In the year 2000 in the united states, the chances of being killed by a terrorist act were zero.

In the year 2001 in the united states, the chances of being killed by a terrorist act were 1 in 100,000.

In the year 2002 in the united states, the chances of being killed by a terrorist act were zero.

In the year 2003 in the united states, the chances of being killed by a terrorist act were zero.

But let's go back to 2001. 1 in 100,000 eh?

Chances of dying from flu or pneumonia were 1 in 4,500 (considerably greater)

Chances of dying as a homicide victim were 1 in 14,000 (still considerably greater)

Or in a car accident 1 in 6,500

From taking your own life 1 in 9,200

So yes, at greater risk from yourself than from terrorists.

And so I repeat Michael Moore's great words


Jesus did I mention how much I hate the media? They're the ones that make you believe that .. no.. i'm not even going into it.

Actually, you know I had quite a magical moment earlier. The news was telling me about Hans Blick... how he says there's no weapons of mass destrution in Iraq. And this reporter was arguing with some American right wing.. jesus 20,000 now.. bastard, and the American seemed a bit taken aback to find that someone from the media was actually arguing with him, but anyway, I was half listening to that, and half reading my great new book from Micahel Moore.

I was hearing it and reading it at the same time

There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq

It was shocking. There was a point where even I thought that there probably were. A time when I was mostly agaisnt the war because of America's hypocracy and arrogance - believing that they can just march into a country and take it over, regardless of what anybody thinks. I was angry about that.

But I have been lied to.

I know it doesn't really matter in America that there turned out to be no weapons. But it does here. I'm thinking.. almost hoping.. that Tony Blair does not spend another term as prime minister of this country. I think I'd almost prefer if the tories got in. Just to show the stupid son of a bitch.

20, Iran. 2 dead in California.

Those earthquakes had almost equal magnitude.. it's possible that the one in California was slightly larger. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK.

20 fucking thousand. Do you know how many people that is? Those people... they're never gonna walk on the fucking planet again, they're dead, gone forever, I'm not a religious person and I believe that the end really is the end. Their families will never see them again. They're dead. 2 dead in California. Why? Buildings built to be earthquake resistant. So basically, because they're poor, they're dead. Because their country is not as rich as the united states, they're dead. Dead. DEAD. Gone for fucking ever. WHAT IF THAT WAS YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY GONE? JESUS CHRIST I'M GOING TO KILL SOMEBODY. I HATE CAPITALISM. I HATE CAPITALISM AND I HATE IMPERIALISM. I HATE BIG AMERICAN COMPANIES RIPPING THE REST OF THE WORLD OFF FOR PROFIT.