Patronisation 2003-12-30 @ 5:09 p.m.

Interesting couple of days...

We ended up staying there for the night because my step dad wanted to drink. It was pretty redundant though because he sat up drinking neatly all night with his dad and couldn't go home in the morning either. Moron.

My step dad's step mother is incredibly... stupid I think is the only word for it. Well, more unaware than stupid. She doesn't know me so she generalises me as like all other 16 year old girls. Which to an extent I appreciate, because at least she isn't judging me based on my exterior.. but still.. she knows me well enough to know that I'm a lot like Sam (My step half uncle) in some ways. And one of those ways is that I'm more interested in listening to my step dad and his dad, John, talk about Beagle 2 than I am interested in reading fucking Cosmopolitin.

I was so offended. I was sitting there joining in their scientific discussion and the patronising bitch walks in, and I'm sitting kind of quietly listening and piecing together this wooden puzzle, and she goes, "Oh Annie, you must be so bored, listening to them nattering on. Here, I've got something more your age" Then - the ultimate humiliation - she brings out an issue of Cosmopolitin. I don't take that as her trying to be helpful, I take that as an insult to my intelligence. Argh. I'm not like that.

I'm not a tomboy any more. I do brush my hair. I do worry about how I look. I do care about relationships. I do conform to certain stereotypes. I do wash. I do notice and like it when somebody is giving me attention.


I do not fucking read Cosmopolitin.

I do not want to know why men leave. I do not want to know how to get the orgasm of my life. I do not want to know how to make my skin glow. I do not want to know about the correct way to blow dry my hair. I do not want to know what pop star I want to be like or whatever the hell is in there.

Who does she think I am?

Tell me about Beagle 2 any day.>