Religion - the ever continued dilema 2004-01-06 @ 9:04 p.m.

"Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue about that. I'm right and I'll be proved right. We're more popular than jesus now." - John Lennon

It's statements like this that stun me. It's stuns me that in a country in which the majority of the population are supposedly Christian, in a country in which Christianity has always played a big part in our constitution and a country in which peopel have been murdered over which type of Christianity they follow - that The Beatles can still be the most popular band. It's... it's just strange.

Lennon says he's more popular than Jesus and we applaud him and go on buying our Beatles records.

YES!!!! We're growing up!

It just shows that He is more popular than Jesus!

Sorry. Why do I like winding Christians up so much? I mean I know that I think their beliefs are stupid just as I think fascist beliefs are stupid and I think believing in the tooth fairy is stupid.. but.. well.. I don't know. I wish I could give it a rest because I know some very nice Christians. But I can't deny that religion bugs the hell out of me, and when somebody says something witty or funny, offending a bucnh of religoius guys, I silently cheer them on. Whether it's on tv, or it's one of my friends, or it's my parents arguing with Jehova Witnesses at the doorstep (Although you can't say those people don't ask for it, disturbing peopel in their homes) or if it's a teacher it gives me extra special satisfaction.

My history teacher mocked the Jews and Christians today. We were talking about the origins of men oppressing women and why it all started, and somebody said something about the bible. My history teacher said, "The old testament is a collection of myths, beliefs and stories thrown together, followed by a tiny group (The Jews) in the middle of the desert. I don't think that quite explains why all over the world women have found to be in an inferior role" or something to that effect. I thought it was brilliant.

But see, this silent cheering makes me feel bad, because I know that the world would be so much better if we could all respect one another's beliefs. But some beliefs are wrong and you have to fight them... oh I don't know. It bothers me.

I respect people who believe in God outside of any organised religion, but I find it so hard to find a way to respect people who follow a set of rules blindly.

There's no way out. If you follow those rules without question, you're stupid. If you don't, you're not really a Christian / Muslim / Jew / Hindu / Whatever.

See my point? Oh I don't know... There has to be a way to respect them and respect myself at the same time. There has to be. It's just if I'm asked to respect one group of people who I passionately disagree with, why shouldn't I be asked to respect Nazis?>