Jo 2004-01-29 @ 4:58 p.m.

Oh the liberation. But unfortunately, I am not gay. I like girls and I like boys. Being bisexual sucks, nobody takes you seriously. I was talking about that with Jo today, I was telling her about this incident in history where everyone was having a bit of a debate about my sexuality, and Florence was saying that there's no such thing as bisexual, and therefore I'm either desperate or just confused. I might be both of those things, but that is not why I label myself bi. I label myself bi because I fancy guys and I fancy girls and could see myself in a relationship with either gender and God, why are people so narrow minded?

Anyway, Jo said, "Oh don't worry about it. Just fuck whoever you want, it's much easier that way"

She may just be right. She may just have found me a solution. Oh I don't know. Jo's super, but there's no way I could live the life that she does. I'm not beautiful like she is. I'm not confident like she is and I don't have friends like she does.

But she does say that in due time my body will even out and I will be proportionate. She said that she didn't become proportionate til last year anyway (She's 18) and and she said that the pill makes your breasts grow big *nods*

Alas... If only I were her>