My "bad" weekend 2003-09-21 @ 5:21 p.m.

Ooooh, I've been all "bad" over the last couple of days again. I broke my straightedgeness, by both smoking and drinking, and as Ryan Mcginn was out with us, begging him to get us Weed. I shouldn't have.

Ryan arranged the whole trip to Camden, he was an hour late to meet us, so we left without him, while looking at something in Camden, I was tapped on the shoulder, there was Ryan. He didn't know he had to wake up to come *shakes head*

He also kept wandering off and looking at things and getting lost. But I learned something from him, he went into a shop, and quater of an hour later came out again, with a lighter that he'd bought for �4, but was actually worth �15. The boy can bargain! I'm gonna have to learn.

Oh! But the funniest moment! We were in a very druggy shop, the same shop Ryan got his lighter from, but before we arrived, and we were looking at lighters, without the intention to actually buy any, and the woman came over, and she showed us this black lighter. She was saying "And look, it's hollow at the bottom, so you can put your gear in there" Stephanie looks at it, and then goes "You could put your ... no it's a bit too small to put lipstick in there" and we all just looked at her open mouthed, and she exclaimed, "Well, what else are you going to put in there!?" we were all laughing so hard, the sales woman was trying not to laugh, she kind of smirked at her and said "I like you! come again"

Well there'll be a story for her to tell all of her friends.

I'm going to go back to being straightedge though, well... maybe not. I definately shouldn't be smoking, because it's addictive, and I'm easily addicted, and I'm already feeling it.

But that wasn't the really bad thing... me and Sibz were stealing things. Sibz stole an earring on Saturday, and I stole a pair. Then Lizzie and I stayed at her house, and the next day I had to get a passport photo done for school tomorrow (yay!) So me and Sibz walked down to the Angel... We wnt into the body shop, Sibz stole a makeup applicator thingy, and then we went into another shop, and they had mood rings. I knew that Sibz wanted a mood ring, so, well, I pocketed one.

When we left the shop I turned to her, fished it out of my pocket, and said "Gift", she then brought her own out of her pocket, "Gift!" It was one of those funny moments. So now I have a mood ring.

Things taste better when you steal them. I don't just mean food, I mean things in general, you enjoy and value them more.

I feel a little bad because you're ripping them off, but at the same time, if it's somewhere like Camden, they're ripping you off - a lot. I mean everything you buy, you are getting ripped off, unless you have tactics like Ryan.

And damn, I know I'm not putting things in chronological order here, but...

In Camden we also argued with Christians. Me and Sibz wandered off, and instead of going back, we went across the road to someone using a loudspeaker to yell about the teachings of Jesus. So, I started by asking him questions, for example, why he believed that Christianity was any better or more correct than Islam for example, and we were having a polite little discussionm,and then Sibz shocked me, she leaped in there, yelling "What about the homophobia that Christianity preaches!!!!"

And she ended up arguing with this guy while I kind of nodded and agreed at points, and he was a fucking nutcase! He was talking about how in God's eyes, a person who rapes and murders children is no better or worse than a liar or a gay person, because they're both sinners, and I was about to scream. That is the worst thing I have ever heard somebody say I think. I mean I think I'd rather somebody lied to me than raped and murdered my kid.

And then Sam and Ryan and Lizzie and Stephanie came over, and they got involved. Then Stephanie went home, and Lizzie was sitting away being miserable because she's a Christian and wasn't particularly enjoying me and Sibz going off on them. And Sibz was getting angry and she'd had enough, so she went over to join Lizzie. This left me talking to this crazy guy who couldn't discuss things, he kept provoking me to get really angry, and Sam and this rational guy were kind of discussing their life stories, and Ryan watching us.

Then Ryan decided to rescue me. The prat said "So...what do you think of drugs?" turned out the guy was an ex heroin addict, ex crack addict, ex convict, had been molested by his parents and also molested in care. He also implied that he might be schizophrenic as well (God walked through his kitchen door and started takling to him, and I don't think he was being metaphotical) but then he wanted to hold hands with me and Ryan, so we were all holding hands in a circle and he had his eyes closed saying a prayer for us, but me and Ryan were looking at eachother wide eyed trying not to laugh, and I just couldn't do it, so I walked off.

Then we were walking off, and I dropped something in the road, so Ryan waited with me and the others got ahead, then he said the most sensible thing that I've ever heard him say, he said "You know, even though they're talking crap and all that, Christianity has obviously helped that guy a lot." and he's right, but I didn't even know he posessed the ability for sensible thought.. well.. no, I did, it just presents itself very rarely.

It was an interesting experience.

And after that we hung out with one of Lizzie's friends, and 2 of his friends, they were quite cool... one of them said something like, "Actually I usually find straight girls quite easy" and Lizzie said "Are you bisexual", and the girl went "I'm a.. err.. I'm a dyke" I was amused.

I like being out with Ryan. We're going to have to invite him out more.>